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Rivista di Estetica
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cartaceo, ISBN 9791259931733
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PDF 224.2 KB, ISBN 9791259931740
Rivista di Estetica 81 The Aestethics of Idealism
anno LXII, n. 81/2022
a cura di Robert Clewis, Serena Feloj, Giovanna Pinna

anno di pubblicazione 2022
pp. 136
ISBN cartaceo 9791259931733
ISBN pdf 9791259931740

The last few decades have been characterized by an increasing interest in the aesthetics of German Idealism. In particular the recent scholarly debate on Hegel’s philosophy has given new impetus to the reflection on art as a structural element of the self understanding of the modern subject. At the same time, this Hegel Renaissance has opened the door for a more nuanced comprehension of Idealistic aesthetics. This issue of Rivista di estetica aims to explore the Idealistic philosophy of art as a constellation of themes, problems and partly conflicting positions, rather than as a unified and closed theoretical model.

Robert R. Clewis, Serena Feloj, Giovanna Pinna, Preface

Giovanna Pinna, The Aesthetics of Idealism. Facets and Relevance of a Theoretical Paradigm. Introduction

Andrea Mecacci, Aorgico. il sublime dialettico di Hölderlin

David Alvarado-Archila, Friedrich Hölderlin’s Die Bedeutung der Tragödien: Paradox as the Foundation of Tragedy

Marta Vero, Hölderlin’s Theory of (Aesthetic) Production

Francesco Campana, Hegel’s Conception of the Relationship between Poetry and History

Davide Mogetta, A Life Extreme. Life and Ideal in Hegel’s Aestethic Paradigm

Paolo D’Angelo, Arte e società nell’estetica dell’idealismo italiano

Mario Farina, The Social Character of Literature: Adorno the Legacy of the Aesthetics of German Idealism


Pio Colonnello, Rileggendo i Canti Orfici. L’ombra di Nietzsche

Clewis-Feloj-Pinna, Preface

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Pinna, The Aesthetics of Idealism. Facets and Relevance of a Theoretical Paradigm. Introduction

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Mecacci, Aorgico. il sublime dialettico di Hölderlin

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Alvarado-Archila, Friedrich Hölderlin’s Die Bedeutung der Tragödien: Paradox as the Foundation of Tragedy

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Vero, Hölderlin’s Theory of (Aesthetic) Production

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Campana, Hegel’s Conception of the Relationship between Poetry and History

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Mogetta, A Life Extreme. Life and Ideal in Hegel’s Aestethic Paradigm

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D’Angelo, Arte e società nell’estetica dell’idealismo italiano

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Farina, The Social Character of Literature: Adorno the Legacy of the Aesthetics of German Idealism

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Colonnello, Rileggendo i Canti Orfici. L’ombra di Nietzsche

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