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Rivista di Estetica
aggiungi al carrello (cod: 9788878856301)
cartaceo, ISBN 9788878856301
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PDF 100.4 KB, ISBN 9788878856318
Rivista di Estetica 67 Cultural exclusion and frontier zones
anno LVIII, n. 67/2018
a cura di Alexander Chertenko, Zhanna Nikolaeva, Sergey Troitskiy

anno di pubblicazione 2018
pp. 240
ISBN cartaceo 9788878856301
ISBN pdf 9788878856318

The functioning of cultural memory is always accompanied by the emergence of suppression zones covering the experiences and phenomena which were excluded, for some reason or another, from conventional cultural practices. The scope of excluded phenomena is as broad as possible and reaches from inconvenient events, works of art, historical or cultural figures to certain forms of expression, gestures, emotions, material objects, attitudes, discourse frameworks and narration patterns. Being repressed as they are, they, however, still influence the drawing of cultural borderlines and the processes of identity construction. Such dialectics of repression and (re-) actualization can be best characterized through the notion of “cultural exclusion zones” (similar to Chernobyl exclusion zone). In the current issue of “Rivista di Estetica” we thus try to discover and to describe those exclusion zones, the mechanisms of their formation and their multifold impact upon the contents of culture in different social, historical, epistemological and cultural contexts.

Zhanna Nikolaeva, Sergey Troitskiy, An Introduction to Russian and International Studies of Cultural Exclusion Zones. An Analytical Overview of Recent Concepts
Alexander Brodsky, Logic Lessons for Russia. Kiev’s Theology and the Russian Enlightenment
Alexey V. Malinov, Discourse of Nature in Gregory Skovoroda’s Teaching
Elena Ovchinnikova, Ethics and Ideology in Russian Culture during the 18th and 19th Centuries
Kseniya Kapelchuk, Repetition and Chance: the Two Effects of Revolution
Ernesto C. Sferrazza Papa, What Is a Wall? Towards an Ontology of Political Artefacts
Alexander Chertenko, Re-actualizing a Cultural Exclusion Zone. Human Experimentation and Intellectual Witness in Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s Suspicion and Marcel Beyer’s The Flying Foxes
Anna Troitskaya, Actualization and Deactualization in Art Studies. The Experience of the Institute of Art History
Natalia Artemenko, Cataleptic Consciousness. Language as a Figure of SilenceTimothy Tambassi, From Geographical Lines to Cultural Boundaries. Mapping the Ontological Debate
Sergey Troitskiy, The Problem of Terminological Precision in Studies on Cultural Exclusion Zones

Fabrizio Calzavarini, Eliminativismo semantico e competenza lessicale
Chiara Cappelletto, Le metamorfosi del classico: corpi naturali, artefatti materiali e nuove pseudomorfosi
Angela Condello, Maurizio Ferraris, L’ermenutica giuridica come tecnica

Enrico Terrone, Teoria del progetto architettonico. Dai disegni agli effetti, di Alessandro Armando e Giovanni Durbiano
Davide Dal Sasso, Artecrazia Macchine espositive e governo dei pubblici, di Marco Scotini
Carola Barbero, Learning from Fiction, “Teorema, Revista Internacional de Filosofia”, XXXV, 3, 2016

Nikolayeva - Troitskiy, An Introduction to Russian and International Studies of Cultural Exclusion Zones. An Analytical Overview of Recent Concepts

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Brodsky, Logic Lessons for Russia. Kiev’s Theology and the Russian Enlightenment

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Malinov, Discourse of Nature in Gregory Skovoroda’s Teaching

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Ovchinnikova, Ethics and Ideology in Russian Culture during the 18th and 19th Centuries

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Kapelchuk, Repetition and Chance: The Two Effects of Revolution

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Sferrazza Papa, What Is a Wall? Towards an Ontology of Political Artefacts

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Chertenko, Re-actualizing a Cultural Exclusion Zone. Human Experimentation and Intellectual Witness in Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s Suspicion and Marcel Beyer’s The Flying Foxes

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Troitskaya, Actualization and Deactualization in Art Studies. The Experience of the Institute of Art History

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Artemenko, Cataleptic Consciousness. Language as a Figure of Silence

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Tambassi, From Geographical Lines to Cultural Boundaries. Mapping the Ontological Debate

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Troitskiy, The Problem of Terminological Precision in Studies on Cultural Exclusion Zones

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Calzavarini, Eliminativismo semantico e competenza lessicale

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Cappelletto, Le metamorfosi del classico: corpi naturali, artefatti materiali e nuove pseudomorfosi

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Condello - Ferraris, L’ermenutica giuridica come tecnica

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