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Rivista di Estetica
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PDF 29.7 KB, ISBN 9788878853355
Rivista di Estetica 56 The other(s)
anno LIV, n. 56/2014
a cura di Stefano Caputo, Massimo Dell'Utri

anno di pubblicazione 2014
pp. 272
ISBN cartaceo 9788878853362
ISBN pdf 9788878853355

As a result of globalization and recent technological innovations, over recent decades contact and interaction among individuals, groups, and cultures have dramatically increased. But such contact often comes with difficulties and costs, and this opens up the broad spectrum of issues that involves the concept of the other. It is this broadness that makes the other susceptible to multifarious declinations, and it is precisely these declinations that the essays in the present issue aim to shed light on. As the reader will see, one of the merits of these essays is that they help to clarify how the concept of the other represents a useful means to undermine one of the persistent philosophical prejudices of our time: that between continental and analytic philosophy there is a radical and irreconcilable divide. Nothing further from the truth.

the other(s)
Massimo Dell’Utri, Stefano Caputo, Introduction: Ten Trips around the Conceptual Galaxy of Otherness
Diego Marconi, Other than Whom?
Cristina Meini, Alfredo Paternoster, The Other “in” the Self: The Sense of Self and the Threat of Relativism
Cristian Muscelli, L’altro e il tempo dell’immediatezza
Wojciech Żełaniec, On a Value of Eccentricity
Pier Luigi Lecis, Noi e loro. Un approccio comunicativo
Maurizio Ferraris, Otherness: The Prevalence of the Real
Carola Barbero, Emma and The Others
Alberto Voltolini, The Depicted Gaze of the Other
Giuseppe Lorini, Meta-institutional Concepts: A New Category for Social Ontology
Maria Bettetini, The Ancient Faults of the Other: Religion and Images at the Heart of an Unfinished Dispute

Carola Barbero, Risposta (tranquillizzante) a una nota critica (e a un grido di allarme)
Valentino Della Casa, Volontà di potenza come volontà di naufragio: quando il superamento passa dall’autodistruzione
Michele Di Francesco, Alfredo Tomasetta, Immaginare e sperimentare. Gli zombie e il problema della coscienza fenomenica
Igor Evlampiev, Pëtr Kolychev, L’influenza delle idee di Lev Tolstoj sul pensiero di Friedrich Nietzsche durante il lavoro sul trattato L’Anticristo
Venanzio Raspa, L’estetica dimenticata: la vicenda della scuola di Graz
Achille C. Varzi, Fictionalism in Ontology: The 2011 Paolo Bozzi Lecture

Leonardo Caffo, Filosofia dell’animalità di Felice Cimatti; Il bonobo e l’ateo di Fran de Waal

Dell’Utri - Caputo, Introduction: Ten Trips around the Conceptual Galaxy of Otherness

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Marconi, Other than Whom?

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Meini - Paternoster, The Other “in” the Self: The Sense of Self and the Threat of Relativism

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Muscelli, L’altro e il tempo dell’immediatezza

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Żełaniec, On a Value of Eccentricit

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Lecis, Noi e loro. Un approccio comunicativo

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Ferraris, Otherness: The Prevalence of the Real

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Barbero, Emma and The Others

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Voltolini, The Depicted Gaze of the Other

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Lorini, Meta-institutional Concepts: A New Category for Social Ontology

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Bettetini, The Ancient Faults of the Other: Religion and Images at the Heart of an Unfinished Dispute

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Barbero, Risposta (tranquillizzante) a una nota critica (e a un grido di allarme)

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Della Casa, Volontà di potenza come volontà di naufragio: quando il superamento passa dall’autodistruzione

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Di Francesco - Tomasetta, Immaginare e sperimentare. Gli zombie e il problema della coscienza fenomenica

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Evlampiev - Kolychev, L’influenza delle idee di Lev Tolstoj sul pensiero di Friedrich Nietzsche durante il lavoro sul trattato L’Anticristo

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Raspa, L’estetica dimenticata: la vicenda della scuola di Graz

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Varzi, Fictionalism in Ontology: The 2011 Paolo Bozzi Lecture

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Caffo, Filosofia dell’animalità di Felice Cimatti; Il bonobo e l’ateo di Fran de Waa

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