anno LVII, n. 66/2017
pp. 224
ISBN paper version 9788878855885
ISBN pdf version 9788878855892
The aim of this issue of “Rivista di Estetica” is to investigate the nature of the auditory object and its specific status as an object of perception. The investigation was carried out using different methodologies: focusing on the auditory object in relation to its metaphysical dimension; working on the comparison between auditory and visual perception; finding similarities and differences between auditory and musical objects; and, finally, focusing exclusively on the specific manifestation of the auditory object as a musical phenomenon.
Elvira Di Bona, Vincenzo Santarcangelo, Introduction. The nature of the auditory object and its specific status as an object of perception
Vincenzo Santarcangelo, Auditory objects as higher-order objects
Giulia Martina, Alberto Voltolini, Perceiving groupings, experiencing meanings
Emanuele Arielli, Roberta Busechian, Sperimentazioni estetiche: sound art e concezioni dell’ascolto sonoro
Stefano Lombardi Vallauri, Stili postonali e suono, oggetto sonoro, oggetto uditivo, oggetto musicale
Stefano Oliva, Dall’oggetto sonoro all’evento musicale
Elvira Di Bona, Listening to the space of music
Francesca Forlè, Where Straus meets enactivism. Reflections on an enactive theory of music perception
Carlo Serra, Materiali sonori e regola percettiva
Dario D’Orazio, Massimo Garai, The autocorrelation-based analysis as a tool of sound perception in a reverberant field
Carola Barbero, Who’s afraid of fictional characters?
Gianluca Cuozzo, Un mondo di plastica: P.K. Dick e la critica dell’informazione spuria
Maurizio Ferraris, Estetica e teleologia
Vito Mancuso, Il principio protestante e la sua dialettica
Cristian Muscelli, Tra parola e canto. La voce tra fenomeno e oggetto pulsionale
Di Bona - Santarcangelo, Introduction. The nature of the auditory object and its specific status as an object of perception |
pdf 238.9 KB |
RdE66-01-Di-Bona_Santarcangelo | 7,00 € |
Santarcangelo, Auditory objects as higher-order objects |
pdf 310.5 KB |
RdE66-02-Santarcangelo | 7,00 € |
Martina - Voltolini, Perceiving groupings, experiencing meanings |
pdf 399.9 KB |
RdE66-03-Martina_Voltolini | 7,00 € |
Arielli - Busechian, Sperimentazioni estetiche: sound art e concezioni dell’ascolto sonoro |
pdf 312.8 KB |
RdE66-04-Arielli_Busechian | 7,00 € |
Lombardi Vallauri, Stili postonali e suono, oggetto sonoro, oggetto uditivo, oggetto musicale |
pdf 397.7 KB |
RdE66-05-LombardiVallauri | 7,00 € |
Oliva, Dall’oggetto sonoro all’evento musicale |
pdf 331.8 KB |
RdE66-06-Oliva | 7,00 € |
Di Bona, Listening to the space of music |
pdf 304.3 KB |
RdE66-07-DiBona | 7,00 € |
Forlè, Where Straus meets enactivism. Reflections on an enactive theory of music perception |
pdf 296.7 KB |
RdE66-08-Forle | 7,00 € |
Serra, Materiali sonori e regola percettiva |
pdf 391.6 KB |
RdE66-09-Serra | 7,00 € |
D’Orazio - Garai, The autocorrelation-based analysis as a tool of sound perception in a reverberant field |
pdf 1.1 MB |
RdE66-10-DOrazio_Garai | 7,00 € |
Barbero, Who’s afraid of fictional characters? |
pdf 340.1 KB |
RdE66-11-Barbero | 7,00 € |
Cuozzo, Un mondo di plastica: P.K. Dick e la critica dell’informazione spuria |
pdf 359.7 KB |
RdE66-12-Cuozzo | 7,00 € |
Ferraris, Estetica e teleologia |
pdf 293.1 KB |
RdE66-13-Ferraris | 7,00 € |
Mancuso, Il principio protestante e la sua dialettica |
pdf 315.8 KB |
RdE66-14-Mancuso | 7,00 € |
Muscelli, Tra parola e canto. La voce tra fenomeno e oggetto pulsionale |
pdf 454.8 KB |
RdE66-15-Muscelli | 7,00 € |