anno LXII, n. 80/2022
pp. 192
ISBN cartaceo 9791259931160
ISBN pdf 9791259931177
Over the centuries, art has been a prominent form of cultural exchange between the East and the West – a role that has become even more prominent in the last three hundred years. Western painting and music introduced by European missionaries have shaped the tastes of the Chinese imperial courts since the 17th century. The “Chinoiserie” style inspired by Chinese aesthetics contributed a great deal to the dynamics of the 18th-century European art-world. Japanese Ukiyo-e – the art of the “floating world” – is believed to have had a significant impact on the Impressionists.
It therefore comes as no surprise that contemporary artists from the East and the West have formed a collaborative creative community. While more and more art historians are shifting part of their research interest to the Eastern art traditions, looking into them in their own right or investigating art history in a greater trans-cultural context, many philosophers of art still remain relatively reluctant to either philosophize about art from a cross-cultural perspective, or try to conceptualize its central issues by drawing on diverse cultural experiences and studies of non-Western art history.
This issue of Rivista di Estetica aims to offer some grounds for rethinking the fundamental philosophical questions about art within a cross-cultural context.
Xiao Ouyang, Tiziana Andina, Introduction: Think Through Art Globally
Ai Xin, Kandinsky’s Composition And Zheng Xie’s Bamboo: An Aesthetic Dialogue Between Western And Eastern Abstractionism
Rudi Capra, Suna No Bi 砂の美. A Critical Appreciation Of Sand In Japanese Karesansui 枯山水Gardens
David E. Cooper, Music, Nature And Transcendence
Massimiliano Lacertosa, Ripensare l’esperienza estetica attraverso lo Zhuangzi
Peng Feng, Danto’s Indiscernibility: An Intercultural Interpretation
Pier Alberto, Porceddu Cilione, Singing Trees. Note Su Tōru Takemitsu
Giulia Lasagni, Two Interpretations of Gilbert’s Plural-Subject Account
Germana Pareti, Bordi. Un confronto tra arte, filosofia e psicologia
Valeria Martino, Sono una di voi. Il soggetto delle azioni transgenerazionali
Fausto Corvino, Alberto Pirni, L’etica del cambiamento climatico alla prova dell’inefficacia causale individuale: discutendo la libertà collettiva di emissione di gas serra rispetto all’obiettivo di 1.5°C
Ouyang - Andina, Introduction: Think Through Art Globally |
pdf 117 KB |
RdE80_01-Ouyang_Andina | 7,00 € |
Xin, Kandinsky’s em>Composition And Zheng Xie’s Bamboo: An Aesthetic Dialogue Between Western And Eastern Abstractionism |
pdf 296.6 KB |
RdE80_02-Ai-Xin | 7,00 € |
Capra, Suna No Bi 砂の美. A Critical Appreciation Of Sand In Japanese Karesansui 枯山水Gardens |
pdf 230.5 KB |
RdE80_03-Capra | 7,00 € |
Cooper, Music, Nature And Transcendence |
pdf 95.8 KB |
RdE80_04-Cooper | 7,00 € |
Lacertosa, Ripensare l’esperienza estetica attraverso lo Zhuangzi |
pdf 149.6 KB |
RdE80_05-Lacertosa | 7,00 € |
Feng, Danto’s Indiscernibility: An Intercultural Interpretation |
pdf 107 KB |
RdE80_06-PengFeng | 7,00 € |
Porceddu Cilione, Singing Treess. Note Su Tōru Takemitsu |
pdf 257.4 KB |
RdE80_07-PorcedduCilione | 7,00 € |
Lasagni, Two Interpretations of Gilbert’s Plural-Subject Account |
pdf 85.9 KB |
RdE80_08-Varia-Lasagni | 7,00 € |
Pareti, Bordi. Un confronto tra arte, filosofia e psicologia |
pdf 121.2 KB |
RdE80_09-Varia-Pareti | 7,00 € |
Martino, Sono una di voi. Il soggetto delle azioni transgenerazionali |
pdf 81 KB |
RdE80_10-Varia-Martino | 7,00 € |
Corvino - Pirni, L’etica del cambiamento climatico alla prova dell’inefficacia causale individuale: discutendo la libertà collettiva di emissione di gas serra rispetto all’obiettivo di 1.5°C |
pdf 127.6 KB |
RdE80_11-Varia-Corvino-Pirni | 7,00 € |