II - Fall 2023
pp. 254
ISBN cartaceo 9791259933454
ISBN pdf 9791259933461
While in the recent decades, the field of architecture has primarily focused on the self-sufficiency of individual buildings, the current “Ardeth” issue wishes to bring back scholarly attention to an approach that prioritizes energy conservation and generation at the urban scale. Such an approach relies on the idea of the productive (and not only consumptive) urban environment, in which the built fabric, topography, soil, bodies of water, green spaces, as well as regional climatic conditions (determined by sun, wind, rain flows, and seasonal temperatures), serve as potential parameters for energy production.
How do different built fabric densities contribute to and limit the emergence of post-carbon energy landscapes?
What are the implications of a British suburb, an Italian medieval town, or Greek informal settlements densities on the production, distribution, and use of post-carbon energy in those areas?
From Prometheus to Epimetheus
The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”
Spatial Agencies of Energy Transition
Sascha Roesler, Silvia Balzan and Lorenzo Stieger
Spatializing the Energy Transition. Toward a Meta-Reflection on the Notion of Energy Landscape
Sascha Roesler in conversation with Elke Beyer, Kim Förster and
Daniela Russ
Power to the People
Milica Topalović, Jan Westerheide
Energy Landscapes in Transition: the Port of Ravenna
Leonardo Ramondetti
Co-productive. Energy Landscape Project: Borgo Monteruga
Elena Vigliocco, Paolo Mellano, Elena Guidetti, Riccardo Ronzani
Sufficient Energy Landscape
Fabrizio D’Angelo, Marco Ranzato
Playing Energy Landscapes. Reconnecting Architecture, Data and Scales
Andri Gerber
Mining for Embodied Coal: Building Material Reuse in the Postwar Reconstruction of Warsaw
Adam Pryzwara
Emptiness as a Project: Warsaw’s Artisanal Microclimates as a Response to the City’s Post-Catastrophic Past
Małgorzata Kuciewic, Simone de Iacobis
Neutralità nel paesaggio costruito nel Nord Est, due ipotesi a confronto: scenario normativo vs scenario di adattamento attivo
Lorenzo Fabian, Susanna Pisciella, Chiara Semenzin
Past Futures of Hydroelectricity. Swiss Dam Projects in Documentary Cinema
Jacqueline Maurer
Words before and after Works
James Bowman Fletcher
Discomfort, queer e selvatico
Camillo Boano, Antonio Di Campli
The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”, From Prometheus to Epimetheus |
pdf 181.1 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.01 | Ardeth13_01 | 0,00 € | |
Roesler - Balzan - Stieger, Editorial |
pdf 134.9 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.02 | Ardeth13_02 | 0,00 € | |
Roesler, Conversation |
pdf 630.6 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.03 | Ardeth13_03 | 0,00 € | |
Topalović - Westerheide, Power to the People |
pdf 695.9 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.04 | Ardeth13_04 | 0,00 € | |
Ramondetti, Energy Landscapes in Transition. The Port of Ravenna |
pdf 733.9 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.05 | Ardeth13_05 | 0,00 € | |
Vigliocco - Mellano - Guidetti - Ronzani, Co-productive Energy Landscape Project: Borgo Monteruga |
pdf 1.2 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.06 | Ardeth13_06 | 0,00 € | |
D’Angelo - Ranzato, Sufficient Energy Landscape. Tuning Technologies with Social Practices and Other Ecologies in the Urban Context |
pdf 1.2 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.07 | Ardeth13_07 | 0,00 € | |
Gerber, Playing Energy Landscapes. Reconnecting Architecture, Data, and Scales |
pdf 454.7 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.08 | Ardeth13_08 | 0,00 € | |
Przywara, Mining for Embodied Coal. Building Material Reuse in the Postwar Reconstruction of Warsaw |
pdf 1 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.09 | Ardeth13_09 | 0,00 € | |
Kuciewicz - De Iacobis, Emptiness as a Project. Warsaw’s Artisanal Microclimates as a Response to the City’s Post-Catastrophic Past |
pdf 2 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.10 | Ardeth13_10 | 0,00 € | |
Fabian - Pisciella - Semenzin, Neutralità del paesaggio costruito del Nord Est, due ipotesi a confronto. Scenario normativo vs scenario di adattamento attivo |
pdf 391.4 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.11 | Ardeth13_11 | 0,00 € | |
Maurer, Past Futures of Hydroelectricity. Swiss Dam Projects in Documentary Cinema |
pdf 1.2 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.12 | Ardeth13_12 | 0,00 € | |
Fletcher, Words before and after Works |
pdf 809.6 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.13 | Ardeth13_13 | 0,00 € | |
Boano - di Campli, Discomfort, queer e selvatico Discomfort, Queer, and Wild |
pdf 125.5 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH13.14 | Ardeth13_14 | 0,00 € | |
Reviews |
pdf 256.2 KB |
Ardeth13_15 | 0,00 € |