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Since 1883, in Turin, the reference point for humanities and social sciences.

La casa dei poveri

Guido Montanari

Storie di donne e femministe

Luisa Passerini, Chiara Bottici

Kant, i filosofi, i visionari

Marco Costantini

Un santo in famiglia

Alessandro Barbero

Goethe tra arte e scienza

Francesco Moiso, Beatrice Beccari, Matteo Vincenzo d'Alfonso

Les études grecques de Gustave Flaubert

Silvia D'Amico

Schermi oscuri

Silvio Alovisio, Stella Dagna, Giulia Carluccio

Le proprietà di un’occupazione

Antonio Stopani

L'empatia tra teoria e clinica

Guido Baggio, Gabriele Quinzi

L’emozione entro i limiti della ragione

Giulio Sacco

Il pensiero di Vasilij Grossman

Giovanni Maddalena


The journal accepts 200-word abstracts, accompanied by a 150-word author bio. Acceptance of the proposals will be notified according to the timeline of each call for papers. Articles must be 4000-5000 words at most.



The journal accepts 200-word abstracts, accompanied by a 150-word author bio. Acceptance of the proposals will be notified according to the timeline of each call for papers. Video essays must not be more than 20 minutes long and must be sent in mp4 format (HD 1280 x 720) via web transfer services (WeTransfer, GoogleDrive, etc.).



The Short Cuts section accepts articles whose length is limited to a maximum of 2,000 words, accompanied by a 150-word author bio.  No deadline. Acceptance of the articles will be notified 15 days after reception.



The journal will publish essays in English, French, and Italian. Abstracts for all articles will be in English.

Proposals must be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.