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aggiungi al carrello (cod: 9788878855564)
paper version, ISBN 9788878855564
PDF 201.1 KB, ISBN 9788878855571
Ardeth #01 Architectural Design Theory
I - 2017
year of publication 2017
pp. 224
ISBN paper version 9788878855564
ISBN pdf version 9788878855571

Unlike the many magazines that revolve around the architectural world, Ardeth concerns neither with outcomes (architecture) nor with the authors (architects).
Ardeth concerns instead with their operational work, i.e. projects. The shift from subjects (their good intentions, as taught in Universities and reclaimed in the profession) to objects (the products of design, at work within the social system that contains them) engenders an analytical and falsifiable elaboration of the complex mechanisms that an open practice such as design involves. Through a process of disciplinary redefinition, Ardeth explores the falsifiability of design hypotheses as the object that allows the project to scientifically confront errors and approximations.

The Editorial Board, Ardeth’s Call
Carlo Magnani, Architectural Design Theory
Maurizio Ferraris, Il progetto dettato
Franco Farinelli, Il disegno, il General Intellect e la città: per una rilettura del Vasari
Marc Schoonderbeek, A Theory of “Design by Research”; Mapping Experimentation in Architecture and Architectural Design
Daniele Campobenedetto, A Four Page Saga. An Attempt at Graphical Analysis of the Transformation of les Halles in the Late 20th Century, with Some Implications
Albena Yaneva, Architectural Theory at Two Speeds
Bruno Latour, Albena Yaneva, «Give Me a Gun and I Will Make All Buildings Move»: An ANT’s View of Architecture
Graham Harman, Buildings are Not Processes: A Disagreement with Latour and Yaneva
Pepe Barbieri, Contesti in volo
Hélène Frichot, A Creative Ecology of Practice for Thinking Architecture
Stephan Trüby, Tausendundeine Theorie
Ilaria Valente, Florencia Andreola, Necessità della teoria: la ricerca italiana recente tra frammentarietà, ricorsi e ricostruzione critica
Nicola Russi, Typological Schemes of the Relationship between Architecture and Its Context. Phenomenology of the Background
Gevork Hartoonian, The End of Design Theory: A Project
Giorgio Ponzo, This Thing Called “Design Theory”


Albena Yaneva, Ardeth #02

Jeremy Till, Ardeth #03

The Editorial Board, Ardeth’s Call

pdf 283.1 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.01 Ardeth01-01_Editoriale 0,00

Magnani, Architectural Design Theory

pdf 208.6 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.02 Ardeth01-02_Magnani 0,00

Ferraris, Il progetto dettato

pdf 303 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.03 Ardeth01-03_Ferraris 0,00

Farinelli, Il disegno, il General Intellect e la città: per una rilettura del Vasari

pdf 264.8 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.04 Ardeth01-04_Farinelli 0,00

Schoonderbeek, A Theory of “Design by Research”; Mapping Experimentation in Architecture and Architectural Design

pdf 394 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.05 Ardeth01-05_Schoonderbeek 0,00

Campobenedetto, A Four Page Saga. An Attempt at Graphical Analysis of the Transformation of les Halles in the Late 20th Century, with Some Implications

pdf 648.9 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.06 Ardeth01-06_Campobenedetto 0,00

Yaneva, Architectural Theory at Two Speeds

pdf 441.4 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.07 Ardeth01-07_Yaneva 0,00

Latour - Yaneva, «Give Me a Gun and I Will Make All Buildings Move»: An ANT’s View of Architecture

pdf 596.4 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.08 Ardeth01-08_Latour-Yaneva 0,00

Harman, Buildings are Not Processes: A Disagreement with Latour and Yaneva

pdf 243.4 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.09 Ardeth01-09_Harman 0,00

Barbieri, Contesti in volo

pdf 257.8 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.10 Ardeth01-10_Barbieri 0,00

Frichot, A Creative Ecology of Practice for Thinking Architecture

pdf 252.7 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.11 Ardeth01-11_Frichot 0,00

Trüby, Tausendundeine Theorie

pdf 248.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.12 Ardeth01-12_Truby 0,00

Valente - Andreola, Necessità della teoria: la ricerca italiana recente tra frammentarietà, ricorsi e ricostruzione critica

pdf 285 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.13 Ardeth01-13_Valente-Andreola 0,00

Russi, Typological Schemes of the Relationship between Architecture and Its Context. Phenomenology of the Background

pdf 763.6 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.14 Ardeth01-14_Russi 0,00

Hartoonian, The End of Design Theory: A Project

pdf 192.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.15 Ardeth01-15_Hartoonian 0,00

Ponzo, This Thing Called “Design Theory”

pdf 223 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH01.16 Ardeth01-16_Ponzo 0,00


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