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aggiungi al carrello (cod: 9788878856097)
paper version, ISBN 9788878856097
PDF 176.6 KB, ISBN 9788878856103
Ardeth #02 BOTTEGA. Ecology of Design Practice
I - Spring 2018
edited by Albena Yaneva

year of publication 2018
pp. 312
ISBN paper version 9788878856097
ISBN pdf version 9788878856103

In the last fifteen years we witnessed a new ethnographic wave of studies that focused on practising architecture. This body of research aimed at grasping the socio-material dimension of architectural practice. They all relied on the assumption that architecture is collective but it is shared with a variety of nonhumans.
These “new ethnographies” generated “thick descriptions” of the knowledge practices of different participants in design. This issue of “Ardeth” collects contributions that will address the ecology of contemporary architectural practice, scrutinizing it as involving actors with variable ontology, scale and politics; exploring empirically different formats of design and reflecting on the importance of ethnography for understanding contemporary architectural practices.

Around the Bottega
The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”

Note from the Director
Carlo Magnani

Editorial. New Voices in Architectural Etnography
Albena Yaneva

From Archive to Office:The Role of History in Theories of Architecture Practice
Aaron Cayer

Situated Design-Thinking in Architectural Practice: Analyzing and Extending Schön’s Epistemology
Laura Malinin

Man-Made Mountains and Other Traces of a Fluctuating Market. An Anthropological View on Unintended Design
Marie Stender

I, T.T. Stands. Two Days in the Life of an Object in the Making
Pauline Lefebvre

Stories, Stages and Journeys: Narrating Ecologies of Practice in the Plan of Work Report
Paul Gottschling

Designing Living Bricks: The Architectural Drawing as Conversational Platform
Simone Ferracina

Ethnography of Transfer. Exploring the Dynamism of Sustainable Architectural Design in Masdar
Ahlam Sharif

‘Concrete Drawing’: An Ethnographical Study of Design, Matter and Affect
Jan Smitheram, Akari Kidd

Architects’ Attitudes Towards Users: A Spectrum of Advocating and Envisioning Future Use(rs) in Design
Valerie Van der Linden, Hua Dong, Ann Heylighen

The Garden of Bifurcating Paths. Towards a Multi-Sited Ecological Approach to Design
Brett Mommersteeg

Exploring Bottega.Four Architectural Firms Seen from the Inside
Edited by the Editorial Board of “Ardeth”

The Other Bottega. Interview to Giovanna Borasi
Edited by the Editorial Board of “Ardeth”

Lessons About Projecting the Metropolis
Dana Cuff

The Global Bottega. From Networks to Fluids, between Practice and Academia
Michele Bonino, Valeria Federighi

Per un ritorno del progetto al centro
Alessandra Capuano

La reinvenzione dell’architettura e della città
Livio Sacchi


Ardeth #04
Carlo Olmo

The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”, Around the Bottega

pdf 193.3 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.01 Ardeth#02-01_Editoriale 0,00

Magnani, Note from the Director

pdf 103.4 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.02 Ardeth#02-02_Magnani 0,00

Albena Yaneva, Editorial. New Voices in Architectural Etnography

pdf 138.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.03 Ardeth#02-03_Yaneva 0,00

Cayer, From Archive to Office:The Role of History in Theories of Architecture Practice

pdf 181.3 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.04 Ardeth#02-04_Cayer 0,00

Malinin, Situated Design-Thinking in Architectural Practice: Analyzing and Extending Schön’s Epistemology

pdf 398.2 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.05 Ardeth#02-05_Malinin 0,00

Stender, Man-Made Mountains and Other Traces of a Fluctuating Market. An Anthropological View on Unintended Design

pdf 265.6 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.06 Ardeth#02-06_Stender 0,00

Lefebvre, I, T.T. Stands. Two Days in the Life of an Object in the Making

pdf 569.4 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.07 Ardeth#02-07_Lefebvre 0,00

Gottschling, Stories, Stages and Journeys: Narrating Ecologies of Practice in the Plan of Work Report

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DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.08 Ardeth#02-08_Gottschling 0,00

Ferracina, Designing Living Bricks: The Architectural Drawing as Conversational Platform

pdf 275 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.09 Ardeth#02-09_Ferracina 0,00

Sharif, Ethnography of Transfer. Exploring the Dynamism of Sustainable Architectural Design in Masdar

pdf 536.4 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.10 Ardeth#02-10_Sharif 0,00

Smitheram - Kidd, ‘Concrete Drawing’: An Ethnographical Study of Design, Matter and Affect

pdf 443.9 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.11 Ardeth#02-11_Smitheram 0,00

Van der Linden - Dong - Heylighen, Architects’ Attitudes Towards Users: A Spectrum of Advocating and Envisioning Future Use(rs) in Design

pdf 464.9 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.12 Ardeth#02-12_VanderLinden 0,00

Mommersteeg, The Garden of Bifurcating Paths. Towards a Multi-Sited Ecological Approach to Design

pdf 461 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.19 Ardeth#02-13_Mommersteeg 0,00

Editorial Board of “Ardeth”, Exploring Bottega.Four Architectural Firms Seen from the Inside

pdf 195.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.13 Ardeth#02-14_Workers 0,00

Editorial Board of “Ardeth”, The Other Bottega. Interview to Giovanna Borasi

pdf 292.7 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.14 Ardeth#02-15_Borasi 0,00

Cuff, Lessons About Projecting the Metropolis

pdf 141.6 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.15 Ardeth#02-16_Cuff 0,00

Bonino - Federighi, The Global Bottega. From Networks to Fluids, between Practice and Academia

pdf 1.1 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.16 Ardeth#02-17_Bonino 0,00

Capuano, Per un ritorno del progetto al centro

pdf 142 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.17 Ardeth#02-18_Capuano 0,00

Sacchi, La reinvenzione dell’architettura e della città

pdf 149.2 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH02.18 Ardeth#02-19_Sacchi 0,00


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