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The present guidelines for authors are divided into two main sections:

1. Guidelines for submission.

2. Guidelines for camera-ready papers.

Section 1. refers to submissions ready for double-blind review. For this reason, any personal detail of the author or authors should be avoided. Guidelines in section 2., on the contrary, should be used to prepare articles after they have been accepted for publication and when no further blind review process is needed.

Both papers for submission and camera-ready papers should be sent in .doc format.

In order to facilitate authors, we have also predisposed two templates – one for submission and one for camera-ready articles – exemplifying the editorial norms presented here.

For any doubt or requirements, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


1. Guidelines for Submission

Submissions should be prepared for double blind peer-review, thus avoiding any personal reference to the author or authors. The length of paper and abstract, as well as the number of keywords, are specified in the Call for Papers for which authors intend to submit their manuscripts.

You may (even though you are not requested to) follow the Guidelines for camera-ready papers also in the phase of submission, with the exception for references to your name and your previous works which should be anonymized as specified below.

1.1 Authors’ names

You must avoid mentioning yourself as author(s) of the submitted paper.

1.2 Quoting Authors’ Previous Works

Since submission has to be anonymized, please avoid referring to previous works making it clear that they are from the same author or authors. Avoid, for instance: “as I have discussed previously (Last name, year)” and similar sentences.

In order to make sure anonymity is guaranteed, please indicate any reference to previous works inserting “(XXX)”, without any further information.

1.3 References

If previous works from the authors of the papers have to be mentioned, please insert them, in this phase, only indicating “XXX” with no further information (nor title or year of publication).


2. Guidelines for Camera-Ready Papers

2.1 Main text

Line-spacing: 1.5

Superior margin: 2,5 cm

Inferior margin: 2,5 cm

Left margin: 2,5 cm

Right margin: 2,5 cm

Language: English (United States)

Font: Times New Roman, 12, justified

Please do not insert any further spacing or indent.

2.2 Title and paragraphs’ titles

Paper’s main title font: Times New Roman, 18, justified, bold.

Paragraphs’ titles: Font: Times New Roman, 12, justified, bold.

Please enumerate the paragraphs.

Never end a title with a full stop.

2.3 Abstract and keywords

After the main title, please insert the abstract and the keywords.

Abstract font: Times New Roman, 12, justified

Line-spacing: 1.0

Title of abstract font: Times New Roman, 12, justified, bold

Line-spacing: 1.5

Please insert a space after the title and do not insert any further spacing or indent.

Keywords font: Times New Roman, 12, justified (the word “Keywords” should be bold and followed by a colon)

Line-spacing: 1.0

2.4 Starting Quotation

In case you wanted to start your article with a quotation:

Font: Times New Roman, 11, on the right, italics (without quotations marks).

Please insert the reference to author and publication (not in italics), as explained in 2.8 below.

2.5 Footnotes

Footnotes can be inserted and have to be enumerated. They have to be always superscript. Footnotes numbers must follow almost any punctuation marks. Exceptions: footnote numbers should not follow dashes (–), and if they appear in a sentence in parentheses, the footnote number should be inserted within the parentheses.

Line-spacing: 1.15

Font: Times New Roman, 10, justified

Please do not insert any further spacing or indent.

2.6 Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments can be inserted as the first footnote to the title and enumerated (footnote n° 1).

2.7 Bulleted Lists

Bulleted lists (either symbolic, numerical, or alphabetical) can be inserted in the main text.

Line-spacing: 1.5

Indent: 0,6 cm

Protruding: 0,6 cm

Font: Times New Roman, 12, justified

Please do not insert any further spacing or indent.

If you wish to insert a bulleted list nested in another one, please use Indent: 1 cm (protruding: 1 cm) for the nested bulleted list.

2.8 In-Text References

Always capitalize proper nouns, including author names and initials: D. Jones.

If you refer to the title of a source within your paper, capitalize all words that are four letters long or greater within the title of a source: Permanence and Change. Exceptions apply to short words that are verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs: Writing New Media, There Is Nothing Left to Lose.

When capitalizing titles, capitalize both words in a hyphenated compound word: Natural-Born Cyborgs.

Capitalize the first word after a dash or colon: "Defining Film Rhetoric: The Case of Hitchcock's Vertigo".

Italicize the titles of longer works such as books, edited collections, movies, television series, documentaries, or albums: The Closing of the American Mind; The Wizard of Oz; Friends.

Put quotation marks around the titles of shorter works such as journal articles, articles from edited collections, television series episodes, and song titles: "Multimedia Narration: Constructing Possible Worlds"; "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry."

When your parenthetical citation includes two or more works, order them the same way they appear in the reference list (viz., alphabetically), separated by a semi-colon.

(Berndt, 2002; Harlow, 1983)

When your parenthetical citation includes two or more works by the same author, separate them by a semi-colon without repeating author’s last name.

(De Monticelli 2000; 2003)

In case you mention two authors with the same last name, to prevent confusion, use first initials with the last names.

(E. Johnson, 2001; L. Johnson, 1998)

If you have two sources by the same author in the same year, use lower-case letters (a, b, c) with the year to order the entries in the reference list. Use the lower-case letters with the year in the in-text citation.

Research by Berndt (1981a) illustrated that...

When indirectly referring to others’ published works, please do not indicate them in the footnotes, but use the following format to mention them: (Last name, year of publication).

In case authors are two: (Last name & last name, year of publication).

If authors are more than two: (Last name et al., year of publication).

“et al.” should always be in italic.

For direct mentions – that is when the author name is mentioned in the main text just before the brackets – please indicate only: (year of publication). In case you also quote passages from this work, please see 2.9.

2.9 Quotations

For short indirect quotations (up to 40 words), authors should use double quotation marks (“…”). When quoting inside a quote, use

single quotation marks (‘). After the quotation, please indicate the corresponding reference as follows.

(Last name, year of publication, page or pages [preceded by “p.” when a single page is mentioned or “pp.” when more pages are mentioned with a hyphen among pages]).

In case authors are two: (Last name & last name, year of publication, page or pages [preceded by “p.” when a single page is mentioned or “pp.” when more pages are mentioned with a hyphen among pages]).

If authors are more than two: (Last name et al., year of publication, page or pages [preceded by “p.” when a single page is mentioned or “pp.” when more pages are mentioned with a hyphen among pages]).

“et al.” should always be in italic.

Punctuation should always follow the reference.

For short direct quotations (up to 40 words) please indicate only the page reference in brackets if author and year are already mentioned in the same sentence. If only author is already mentioned in the same sentence, please indicate: (year, page or pages [preceded by “p.” when a single page is mentioned or “pp.” when more pages are mentioned with a hyphen among pages]).


According to Jones (1998), "Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time" (p. 199).

If the author is not named in a signal phrase, place the author's last name, the year of publication, and the page number in brackets after the quotation.


She stated, "Students often had difficulty using APA style" (Jones, 1998, p. 199), but she did not offer an explanation as to why.

For long quotations (more than 40 words):

Insert a line-space between the main text before and after the quotation.

Line-spacing: 1.5

Indent: 0,6 cm

Spacing before and after: 6 pt

Font: Times New Roman, 11, justified (without quotations marks).

Please do not insert any further spacing or indent.

After the indirect quotation, please indicate the corresponding reference. Punctuation should always follow the reference.

The reference should be as follows: (Last name, year of publication, page or pages [preceded by “p.” when a single page is mentioned or “pp.” when more pages are mentioned with a hyphen among pages]).

In case authors are two: (Last name & last name, year of publication, page or pages [preceded by “p.” when a single page is mentioned or “pp.” when more pages are mentioned with a hyphen among pages]).

If authors are more than two: (Last name et al., year of publication, page or pages [preceded by “p.” when a single page is mentioned or “pp.” when more pages are mentioned with a hyphen among pages]).

“et al.” should always be in italic.

For long direct quotations (more than 40 words) please indicate only the page reference in brackets if author and year are already mentioned in the same sentence. If only author is already mentioned in the same sentence, please indicate: (year, page or pages [preceded by “p.” when a single page is mentioned or “pp.” when more pages are mentioned with a hyphen among pages]).

In case authors want to emphasize something within a quotation, please use italics and add in the brackets with references

“emphasis added”: (Last name, year of publication, page, emphasis added).

2.10 Quoting Authors’ Previous Works

References to other works by the authors should be mentioned by following regular guidelines.

Moreover, the complete name of the author or authors should be included before the main title.

Line-spacing: 1.15

Font: Times New Roman, 12, justified

A non-numerical but symbolic footnote should be included for each author indicating name, last name, affiliation, and email address divided by commas.

2.11 References

The list of references should include only works mentioned in the paper.

Line-spacing: 1.15

Font: Times New Roman, 10, justified

Indent first line: 0,5 cm (protruding)

Please do not insert any further spacing or indent.

The standard for style is the American Psychological Association (APA) Manual of Style (6th edition).

When referring to a work by several authors, please indicate all their names.

For references, follow the following examples:



Strunk, W., Jr., & White, E. B. (1979). The guide to everything and then some more stuff. New York, NY: Macmillan;

Gregory, G., & Parry, T. (2006). Designing brain-compatible learning (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin;

Chapter of a Book:

Bergquist, J. M. (1992). German Americans. In J. D. Buenker & L. A. Ratner (Eds.), Multiculturalism in the United States: A comparative guide to acculturation and ethnicity (pp. 53-76). New York, NY: Greenwood;

Journal Article with DOI:

Paivio, A. (1975). Perceptual comparisons through the mind's eye. Memory & Cognition, 3, 635-647. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225;

Journal Article without DOI (when DOI is not available):

Becker, L. J., & Seligman, C. (1981). Welcome to the energy crisis. Journal of Social Issues, 37(2), 1-7;

Hamfi, A. G. (1981). The funny nature of dogs. E-journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38-48. Retrieved from http://ojs.lib.swin.edu.au/index.php/fdo;

Online Newspaper Articles:

Becker, E. (2001, August 27). Prairie farmers reap conservation's rewards. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com;

Encyclopedia Articles:

Brislin, R. W. (1984). Cross-cultural psychology. In R. J. Corsini (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 319-327). New York, NY: Wiley;

Developmental genetics. (2005). In Cambridge encyclopedia of child development. Retrieved from http://0- www.credoreference.com.library.muhlenberg.edu:80/entry/cupchilddev/development al_genetics;

Technical and Research Reports (often with corporate authors):

Hershey Foods Corporation. (2001, March 15). 2001 Annual Report. Retrieved from http://www.hersheysannualreport.com/2000/index.htm;

Book Reviews:

Dent-Read, C., & Zukow-Goldring, P. (2001). Is modeling knowing? [Review of the book Models of cognitive development, by K. Richardson]. American Journal of Psychology, 114, 126-133;

Data Sets:

Simmons Market Research Bureau. (2000). Simmons national consumer survey [Data file]. New York, NY: Author;

Blog post:

Lincoln, D. S. (2009, January 23). The likeness and sameness of the ones in the middle. [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://www.blogspace.com/lincolnworld/2009/1/23.php;

Website with no author or date of publication:

Census data revisited. (n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2009, from Harvard, Psychology of Population website, http://harvard.edu/data/index.php;

Reprint from Another Source:

  • Citation in the text:

(Newton, 1998/1999)

  • Reference List Citation:

Newton, W. (1999). Return to Mars. In C. Mari (Ed.), Space Exploration (pp. 32- 41). New York, NY: H.W. Wilson. (Reprinted from National Geographic, pp. 2-26, August 1998);

In this example of a reprinted book review, the author of the book is named first, followed by the editor of the reprinting source, then the reviewer. In your parenthetical citation, it is necessary to name the author of the book, while the reviewer is named to distinguish from other reviews of this book.

When books are edited by one person, please insert “(ed.)”, when editors are more than one, please use “(eds.)”.

If a work has not been published yet, “forthcoming” should be inserted instead of the year of publication in the brackets.

References should be divided by a semicolon; a full stop has to be used only for the last reference. They should be in alphabetical order (by last name).

If an author or authors have more than one publication in the reference list, they should be listed by chronological order with the most recent as the first one.

2.12 Page Numbers

Please insert page numbers at the bottom of the page.

Font: Times New Roman, 9, centered

2.13 Further information

Foreign words should always be written in italics.

Please avoid abbreviation.

Images and graphs can be used. Authors are responsible for the usage and should ask for permission in case they want to include a picture or a graph that has already been published in others’ works.