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aggiungi al carrello (cod: 9788878859616)
paper version, ISBN 9788878859616
PDF 361.3 KB, ISBN 9788878859623
Ardeth #07 Europe
II - Fall 2020
edited by Jörg H. Gleiter

year of publication 2020
pp. 216
ISBN paper version 9788878859616
ISBN pdf version 9788878859623

What are, if any, the active components of culture in the present process of reconceptualization and restructuring of the European project that purposely revolve around spatial features? Looking back at the past 30 years after the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, the following question arises: what role has architecture fulfilled? Did it effectively contribute to the construction of a united Europe? After all, the great virtue of the architectural project lies in its ability to combine the political with the aesthetic, the rational with the emotional, and the local with the national. A consequence of postmodernity was the desire to separate the political and the aesthetic realms; might this legacy be preventing architectural projects from actively engaging in the political process of Europe?

Europe is Not a Tree

The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”

Rites of Passage

Jörg H. Gleiter

Translocality as Urban Design Tool for the Inclusive City: The Case of Europan

Socrates Stratis

European Architectures in the Age of Climate Change

Sandra Meireis

Moving Ground. The Construction of AlpTransit Infrastructure and its Monumental Landscapes

Chiara Pradel

Whatever Happened to Supranational Architecture?

Sebastiano Fabbrini

Progettare l’integrazione. Lo spazio dell’incontro e dello scambio nel futuro delle città multiculturali

Manuela Raitano, Angela Fiorelli, Gloria Riggi

Neo-colonial Continuities in the Mediterranean Infrastructure Projects of Atlantropa and Desertec

Alexander Stumm

La riscrittura di un territorio. Le pratiche turistiche e la costruzione di un paesaggio abitato su un supporto naturale

Silvana De Bari, Valerio Di Festa, Stefania Iraci Sareri

Vu’ cumprà. Acting on the Margins of the European Project

Peter Volgger

Tesi sull’Europa

Carlo Galli

Architecture and European identity. A Conversation with Romano Prodi

Anna Livia Friel, Marco Provinciali

RE: Theorizing Vulnerability

Bryony Roberts


Matheus Cartocci

Europe is Not a Tree

pdf 655.6 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.01 Ardeth#07-01_Editoriale 0,00

Rites of Passage

pdf 412.9 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.02 Ardeth#07-02_Gleiter 0,00

Translocality as Urban Design Tool for the Inclusive City: The Case of Europan

pdf 1.9 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.03 Ardeth#07-03_Stratis 0,00

European Architectures in the Age of Climate Change

pdf 2.7 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.04 Ardeth#07-04_Meireis 0,00

Moving Ground. The Construction of AlpTransit Infrastructure and its Monumental Landscapes

pdf 44 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.05 Ardeth#07-05_Pradel 0,00

Progettare l’integrazione. Lo spazio dell’incontro e dello scambio nel futuro delle città multiculturali

pdf 5.6 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.07 Ardeth#07-07_Raitano Fiorelli 0,00

Neo-colonial Continuities in the Mediterranean Infrastructure Projects of Atlantropa and Desertec

pdf 7 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.08 Ardeth#07-08_Stumm 0,00

La riscrittura di un territorio. Le pratiche turistiche e la costruzione di un paesaggio abitato su un supporto naturale

pdf 8.4 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.09 Ardeth#07-09_DeBari DiFesta Sa 0,00

Vu’ cumprà. Acting on the Margins of the European Project

pdf 8.3 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.10 Ardeth#07-10_Volger 0,00

Tesi sull’Europa

pdf 415 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.11 Ardeth#07-11_Galli 0,00

Architecture and European identity. A Conversation with Romano Prodi

pdf 1.1 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.12 Ardeth#07-12_Friel Provinciali 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: Ardeth#07-12_Friel Provinciali)

RE: Theorizing Vulnerability

pdf 361.3 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH07.13 Ardeth#07-13_Roberts 0,00