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Ardeth #05 INNOVATION as it happens
II - Fall 2019
a cura di Andrés Jaque

anno di pubblicazione 2019
pp. 240
ISBN cartaceo 9788878858145
ISBN pdf 9788878858152

With 1.2 billion Google results, innovation is now the omnipresent buzzword used in the domain of advanced capitalism to encapsulate the processes by which environments and societies recombine, evolve, dispute with, and reproduce themselves. Innovation creates a fiction in which problems are resolved, material inflation makes things better, and linear progress is possible. But this doesn’t work: innovation has been reduced and weaponized to become the tool to consolidate the promotion of consumerism. This issue of Ardeth gathers architectural thinkers to examine specific cases of architectural innovation in detail, with the mission of situating the term innovation in the terrain of realism and to help rethink how architectural innovation is discussed, imagined, and practiced.

The Innovation of the Other
The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”

Editorial. Political Innovation
Andrés Jaque

Principles of Construction. An Ontology of Design
Enrico Terrone

Innovazione: quale miglioramento? Pratiche di costruzione sociale
Micol Rispoli

The Production of Project. A Subversive Guide to the Subject of Innovation
Camilo Vladimir de Lima Amaral

Parametrizzare la mente dell’architetto. Il caso di Tour Bois le Prêtre
Grazia Pota

Faxing Architecture. Aldo Rossi’s Transnational Practice, 1986-1997
Sebastiano Fabbrini

Ghost Islands
Laurent Gutierrez, Valérie Portefaix

A Panoptic Cartography of Remote Sensing
Marco Ferrari

La vita delle macchine. Improvvisazione materiale creativa attraverso trasformazioni urbane a Barcellona-22@
Daniel Torrego Gómez, Miguel Mesa del Castillo Clavel

Data (Centers) Controversies
Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli

Atmospheric Infrastructures to Deal with the Toxic Air in a Common World
Nerea Calvillo

On Interference. Designing Strange Life Forms that Don’t Always Listen
Lydia Kallipoliti

Innovation as Loss? In Dialogue with Three Contemporary Practices
Andrea Alberto Dutto

Integrating AI and Deep Learning within Design Practice Processes: XKool Technology
Edoardo Bruno


Ardeth #07
Jörg H. Gleiter

The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”, The Innovation of the Other

pdf 176.1 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.01 Ardeth#05-01_EditorialBoard 0,00

Jaque, Editorial. Political Innovation

pdf 120 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.02 Ardeth#05-02_Jaque 0,00

Terrone, Principles of Construction. An Ontology of Design

pdf 121.4 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.03 Ardeth#05-03_Terrone 0,00

Rispoli, Innovazione: quale miglioramento? Pratiche di costruzione sociale

pdf 134.4 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.04 Ardeth#05-04_Rispoli 0,00

de Lima Amaral, The Production of Project. A Subversive Guide to the Subject of Innovation

pdf 172.3 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.05 Ardeth#05-05_LimaAmaral 0,00

Pota, Parametrizzare la mente dell’architetto. Il caso di Tour Bois le Prêtre

pdf 594.6 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.06 Ardeth#05-06_Pota 0,00

Fabbrini, Faxing Architecture. Aldo Rossi’s Transnational Practice, 1986-1997

pdf 874.6 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.07 Ardeth#05-07_Fabbrini 0,00

Gutierrez - Portefaix, Ghost Islands

pdf 1 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.08 Ardeth#05-08_Gutierrez-Portefa 0,00

Ferrari, A Panoptic Cartography of Remote Sensing

pdf 660.4 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.09 Ardeth#05-09_Ferrari 0,00

Torrego Gómez - Mesa del Castillo Clavel, La vita delle macchine. Improvvisazione materiale creativa attraverso trasformazioni urbane a Barcellona-22@

pdf 985.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.10 Ardeth#05-10_Gómez_MesaDelCas 0,00

Pestellini Laparelli, Data (Centers) Controversies

pdf 8.2 MB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.11 Ardeth#05-11_PestelliniLaparel 0,00

Calvillo, Atmospheric Infrastructures to Deal with the Toxic Air in a Common World

pdf 344.8 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.12 Ardeth#05-12_Calvillo 0,00

Kallipoliti, On Interference. Designing Strange Life Forms that Don’t Always Listen

pdf 450.2 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.13 Ardeth#05-13_Kallipoliti 0,00

Dutto, Innovation as Loss? In Dialogue with Three Contemporary Practices

pdf 374.8 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.14 Ardeth#05-14_Dutto 0,00

Bruno, Integrating AI and Deep Learning within Design Practice Processes: XKool Technology

pdf 229.2 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH05.15 Ardeth#05-15_Bruno 0,00