n. 19/2020
pp. 256
ISBN cartaceo 9788878859395
ISBN pdf 9788878859401
Simona Corso, Florian Mussgnug, Virginia Sanchini
Introduction: Imagining Human Reproduction
Roberto Mordacci
Reproductive Utopias and Dystopias: More, Campanella, Bacon and Huxley
Simona Corso
Birth: Stories from Contemporary Literature and Film
Charlotte Ross
Surviving Melancholy and Mourning: a Queer Politics of Damage in Italian Literary Representations of Same-sex Parenting
Maria Russo
Is it Progress or Dystopia? Attitudes toward Genetic Engineering in Contemporary Film
Carmen Dell’Aversano e Florian Mussgnug
Parenthood, Climate Justice and the Ethics of Care: Notes Towards a Queer Analysis
Simone Pollo
A 21st Century Reproductive Bioethics
Lucia Galvagni
New Motherhood? Embodiment and Relationships in the Assisted Reproductive Technology
Sergio Filippo Magni
Person-affecting Procreative Beneficence
Laura Palazzani
Reproductive Technologies and the Global Bioethics Debate: A Philosophical Analysis of the Report on ART and Parenthood of the International Bioethics Committee of Unesco
Virginia Sanchini, Davide Disalvatore, Sarah Songhorian, Paolo Spada, Pier Paolo Di Fiore
Deliberation and Public Bioethics: A Test Case in Reproductive Genetics
Federico Pennestrì
Is Therapeutic Germline Editing Value-based Healthcare? An Early Health Technology Assessment
Davide Battisti
Genetic Enhancement and the Child’s Right to an Open Future
Ali Yousefi Heris
How Might Simulation-Based Accounts of Mindreading Explain Pragmatic Interpretation?
Piero Mattei-Gentili
Social Facts & the Semantic Conception of Norms. Customary Norms as a Test of Ontology
Corso - Mussgnug - Sanchini, Introduction: Imagining Human Reproduction |
pdf 204.5 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1901 | P&M19_01_Corso_Mussgnug_Sanchi | 0,00 € | |
Mordacci, Reproductive Utopias and Dystopias: More, Campanella, Bacon and Huxley |
pdf 222.3 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1902 | P&M19_02_Mordacci | 0,00 € | |
Corso, Birth: Stories from Contemporary Literature and Film |
pdf 242.9 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1903 | P&M19_03_Corso | 0,00 € | |
Ross, Surviving Melancholy and Mourning: a Queer Politics of Damage in Italian Literary. Representations of Same-sex Parenting |
pdf 315.3 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1904 | P&M19_04_Ross | 0,00 € | |
Russo, Is it Progress or Dystopia? Attitudes toward Genetic Engineering in Contemporary Film |
pdf 227 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1905 | P&M19_05_Russo | 0,00 € | |
Dell’Aversano - Mussgnug, Parenthood, Climate Justice and the Ethics of Care: Notes Towards a Queer Analysis |
pdf 220 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1906 | P&M19_06_DellAversano_Mussgnug | 0,00 € | |
Pollo, A 21st Century Reproductive Bioethics |
pdf 203.7 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1907 | P&M19_07_Pollo | 0,00 € | |
Galvagni, New Motherhood? Embodiment and Relationships in the Assisted Reproductive Technology |
pdf 211.7 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1908 | P&M19_08_Galvagni | 0,00 € | |
Magni, Person-affecting Procreative Beneficence |
pdf 216 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1909 | P&M19_09_Magni | 0,00 € | |
Palazzani, Reproductive Technologies and the Global Bioethics Debate: A Philosophical Analysis of the Report on ART and Parenthood of the International Bioethics Committee of Unesco |
pdf 224.2 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1910 | P&M19_10_Palazzani | 0,00 € | |
Sanchini - Disalvatore - Songhorian - et al., Deliberation and Public Bioethics: A Test Case in Reproductive Genetics |
pdf 437.8 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1911 | P&M19_11_Sanchini_Disalvatore_ | 0,00 € | |
Pennestrì, Is Therapeutic Germline Editing Value-based Healthcare? An Early Health Technology Assessment |
pdf 242.4 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1912 | P&M19_12_Pennestri | 0,00 € | |
Battisti, Genetic Enhancement and the Child’s Right to an Open Future |
pdf 213 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1913 | P&M19_13_Battisti | 0,00 € | |
Heris, How Might Simulation-Based Accounts of Mindreading Explain Pragmatic Interpretation? |
pdf 226.7 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1914 | P&M19_14_Heris | 0,00 € | |
Mattei-Gentili, Social Facts & the Semantic Conception of Norms. Customary Norms as a Test of Ontology |
pdf 219.1 KB |
DOI 10.17454/pam-1915 | P&M19_15_Mattei-Gentili | 0,00 € |