I - Spring 2021
pp. 208
ISBN cartaceo 9791259930170
ISBN pdf 9791259930187
Exhausted. Bodies feel exhausted, from the scales of the individual and social body, to that of the planet. Even in the midst of one of the most severe crises experienced globally in recent history, the demands for productivity, relentlessness and attentiveness are not diminishing. Instead, those pressures intensify, while forms of extraction are pervasive. The contemporary moment should not be taken as an exception. Instead it should be understood as part of a structural condition and a symptom of the ongoing exploitative structures that are exhausting bodies, bringing them to a systemic burn-out.
If burn-out is a state in which bodies, procedures, processes stop working, it could perhaps be considered as a generative point of departure to rethink the role of institutions and infrastructures towards nonexploitative structures and relations.
Burn-out after Burn-out
The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”
BURN-OUT. On Planetary Exhaustion and Alternative Public Infrastructures
Het Nieuwe Instituut
Contagious Care: Towards a More-than-antimicrobial Citizenry
Serina Tarkhanian
Negotiating Worldly Relationship or Unionising for the Planet
United Voices of the World - Section of Architectural Workers (UVW-SAW)
Infrastructure Solidarity. Femke Snelting Cannibalism City
Yafei Li
Dopo il burn-out: verso la progettazione di nuove “infrastruttura di cura”
Ianira Vassallo, Federica Doglio
Post-Disaster Memoryscapes: Architectural Mediums as Practices of Care
Anastasia Gkoliomyti, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
The Racial Geographies of Covid-19
Willem Schinkel
Online/On-site: Networked Urbanisms
Cyrus Peñarroyo
Lo spazio del burn-out. Destrutturare per costruire forme alternative per l’abitare
Maicol Negrello, Roberta Ingaramo
The Paradox of Dutch Sustainability
Claudia Rot
Shaped by Power. The Machine-Territory of the Piave River
Elena Longhin
The Fold. Reading Artefacts of Institutional Topology
RESOLVE Collective
The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”, Burn-out after Burn-out |
pdf 344.2 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.01 | Ardeth#8-01_Editoriale | 0,00 € | |
Het Nieuwe Instituut, BURN-OUT. On Planetary Exhaustion and Alternative Public Infrastructures |
pdf 326.3 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.02 | Ardeth#8-02_Verzier-Truijen | 0,00 € | |
Serina Tarkhanian, Contagious Care: Towards a More-than-antimicrobial Citizenry |
pdf 1.6 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.03 | Ardeth#8-03_Tarkhanian | 0,00 € | |
UVW-SAW, Negotiating Worldly Relationship or Unionising for the Planet |
pdf 3.1 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.04 | Ardeth#8-04_UVW-SAW | 0,00 € | |
Femke Snelting, Infrastructure Solidarity |
pdf 304.3 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.05 | Ardeth#8-05_Snelting | 0,00 € | |
Yafei Li, Cannibalism City |
pdf 13 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.06 | Ardeth#8-06_Li | 0,00 € | |
Vassallo-Doglio, Dopo il burn-out: verso la progettazione di nuove “infrastruttura di cura” |
pdf 2.4 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.07 | Ardeth#8-07_Vassallo-Doglio | 0,00 € | |
Gkoliomyti-Tsukamoto, |
pdf 4 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.08 | Ardeth#8-08_Gkoliomyti-Tsukamo | 0,00 € | |
Schinkel, The Racial Geographies of Covid-19 |
pdf 481.7 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.09 | Ardeth#8-09_Schinkel | 0,00 € | |
Negrello-Ingaramo, Lo spazio del burn-out. Destrutturare per costruire forme alternative per l’abitare |
pdf 373.2 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.11 | Ardeth#8-11_Negrello-Ingaramo | 0,00 € | |
Rot, The Paradox of Dutch Sustainability |
pdf 476.8 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.12 | Ardeth#8-12_Rot | 0,00 € | |
Longhin, Shaped by Power. The Machine-Territory of the Piave River |
pdf 2.4 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.13 | Ardeth#8-13_Longhin | 0,00 € | |
RESOLVE Collective, The Fold. Reading Artefacts of Institutional Topology |
pdf 5.3 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH08.14 | Ardeth#8-14_RESOLVE Collective | 0,00 € |