II - Fall 2021
pp. 180
ISBN cartaceo 9791259931061
ISBN pdf 9791259931078
Architecture is an inward looking discipline. Its history conveys the norms of the discipline to an audience composed mostly of architects, who are familiar with the work of their predecessors-from whom they learnt, or for whom they worked. As such, architecture singularises the multiple processes through which space is produced, excluding difference in the pursuit of coherent narratives to sustain its authority, and does so mainly through the figure of the architect. For a long time now, critics have shown how that figure is principally male.
However, little has been said about the fact that the figure of the architect is also white; a racial classification that refers not only to epidermal characteristics, but to their national origin, education, and in most cases their class affiliation.
Space of Domination or Domination of Space?
The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”
RACE. Exploring the Modern-Colonial Legacy in Contemporary Architecture
Felipe Hernández
The Design Politics of Space, Race, and Resistance in the United States
Stephen F. Gray, Anne Lin
Borgo Mezzanone. Rurality, Ethnic and Race Conflict
Camilla Rondot, Luis Martin Sanchez
What Does Black Lisbon Look Like? Urban Online Imagery and the Place of Race
Elena Taviani
“Spazi Altri”. Razza e classe nel Mozambico tardo coloniale
Silvia Balzan
Methodological Guidelines for Metropolitan Cartography Projects. Mapping the Accumulation of Contested Territories in Southern Latitudes Metropolitan Cities
Antonella Contin, Valentina Galiulo
Metaphorizing Burn-out or Missing the Point of the Project. Exhaustion Otherwise
Camillo Boano
Gender, Sexuality and Space: Towards Acts of Architectural Disobedience
Luisa Parisi
The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”, Space of Domination or Domination of Space? |
pdf 635.9 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH09.01 | Ardeth#9_01-The Editorial Boar | 0,00 € | |
Felipe Hernàndez, RACE. Exploring the Modern-Colonial Legacy in Contemporary Architecture |
pdf 362.3 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH09.02 | Ardeth#9_02-Hernandez | 0,00 € | |
Gray-Lin, The Design Politics of Space, Race, and Resistance in the United States |
pdf 651.9 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH09.03 | Ardeth#9_03-Gray-Lin | 0,00 € | |
Rondot-Sanchez, Borgo Mezzanone. Rurality, Ethnic and Race Conflict |
pdf 60.6 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH09.04 | Ardeth#9_04-Rondot-Sanchez | 0,00 € | |
Taviani, What does Black Lisbon Look Like? Urban Online Imagery and the Place of Race |
pdf 5.9 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH09.05 | Ardeth#9_05-Taviani | 0,00 € | |
Balzan, “Spazi Altri”. Razza e classe nel Mozambico tardo coloniale |
pdf 2.8 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH09.06 | Ardeth#9_06-Balzan | 0,00 € | |
Contin-Galiulo, Methodological Guidelines for Metropolitan Cartography projects. Mapping the Accumulation of Contested Territories in Southern Latitudes Metropolitan Cities |
pdf 31.4 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH09.07 | Ardeth#9_07-Contin-Galiulo | 0,00 € | |
Boano, Metaphorizing Burn-out or Missing the Point of the Project. Exhaustion Otherwise |
pdf 564.1 KB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH09.08 | Ardeth#9_08-Boano | 0,00 € | |
Parisi, Gender, sexuality and space: towards acts of architectural disobedience |
pdf 3.9 MB |
DOI 10.17454/ARDETH09.09 | Ardeth#9_09-Parisi | 0,00 € |