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Phenomenology and Mind
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cartaceo, ISBN 9791259932129
PDF 225.9 KB, ISBN 9791259932136
Phenomenology and Mind 24 The True, the Valid, the Normative
n. 24/2023
a cura di Paolo Di Lucia , Lorenzo Passerini Glazel

anno di pubblicazione 2023
pp. 270
ISBN cartaceo 9791259932129
ISBN pdf 9791259932136


Paolo Di Lucia and Lorenzo Passerini Glazel, Introduction. Veritas in Dicto, Veritas in Re

Amedeo Giovanni Conte, Three Paradigms for a Philosophy of the True: Apophantic Truth, Eidological Truth, Idiological Truth

SECTION I. Truth of Language (De Dicto Truth) vs. Truth of Things (De Re Truth)

Roberta De Monticelli, Ockham’s Razor, or the Murder of Concreteness. A Vindication of the Unitarian Tradition

Richard Davies, Monadic Truth and Falsity

Stefano Caputo, One but not the Same

Paolo Heritier, True God and True Man: Some Implications

SECTION II. Truth of Things and the Normative and Axiological Dimensions of Reality

Anna Donise, A Stratified Theory of Value

Venanzio Raspa, On Emotional Truth

Sergei Talanker, No True Persuasive Definition Marginalizes?

Carlos Morujão, Subjective Meanings and Normative Values in Alfred Schutz’s Philosophy of Human Action

SECTION III. Truth, Validity, and Normativity

Pedro M. S. Alves, A Phenomenological Analysis of the Nomothetic Noema. Discussing the De Dicto and De Re Formulations of Normative Sentences

Wojciech Żełaniec, Things We Must Never Do (If Any)

Sara Papic, Can Linguistic Correctness Provide Us with Categorical Semantic Norms?

Virginia Presi, Custom in Action. Ferdinand Tönnies’ Ontology of the Normative

SECTION IV. Truth and Validity in Action: Norm Effectiveness and Nomotropic Behaviour

Pascal Richard, Norms as “Intentional Systems”

Alba Lojo, The Semantic Conception of Efficacy and Constitutive Rules: Mapping a Tough Relationship

Giovanni Bombelli, Normativity, Truth, Validity and Effectiveness. Remarks Starting from the Horizon of the “Common Sense”

SECTION V. Further Contributions

Caterina Del Sordo and Roberta Lanfredini, Matter at a Crossroads: Givenness vs Forceful Quality

Stefano Colloca, On the Deontic Validity of the General Exclusive Norm

Alessandro Volpe, Doing Justice to Solidarity: On the Moral Role of Mutual Support

Di Lucia - Passerini Glazel, Introduction. Veritas in Dicto, Veritas in Re

pdf 267.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2401 P&M24_01_DiLucia-PasseriniGlaz 0,00

Conte, Three Paradigms for a Philosophy of the True: Apophantic Truth, Eidological Truth, Idiological Truth

pdf 275.8 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2402 P&M24_02_Conte 0,00

De Monticelli, Ockham’s Razor, or the Murder of Concreteness. A Vindication of the Unitarian Tradition

pdf 259.1 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2403 P&M24_03_DeMonticelli 0,00

Davies, Monadic Truth and Falsity

pdf 240.3 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2404 P&M24_04_Davies 0,00

Caputo, One but not the Same

pdf 221.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2405 P&M24_05_Caputo 0,00

Heritier, True God and True Man: Some Implications

pdf 271.8 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2406 P&M24_06_Heritier 0,00

Donise, A Stratified Theory of Value

pdf 228.2 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2407 P&M24_07_Donise 0,00

Raspa, On Emotional Truth

pdf 225.6 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2408 P&M24_08_Raspa 0,00

Talanker, No True Persuasive Definition Marginalizes?

pdf 226.6 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2409 P&M24_09_Talanker 0,00

Morujão, Subjective Meanings and Normative Values in Alfred Schutz’s Philosophy of Human Action

pdf 233.9 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2410 P&M24_10_Morujao 0,00

Alves, A Phenomenological Analysis of the Nomothetic Noema. Discussing the De Dicto and De Re Formulations of Normative Sentences

pdf 335.3 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2411 P&M24_11_Alves 0,00

Żełaniec, Things We Must Never Do (If Any)

pdf 328.1 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2412 P&M24_12_Zelaniec 0,00

Papic, Can Linguistic Correctness Provide Us with Categorical Semantic Norms?

pdf 199.7 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2413 P&M24_13_Papic 0,00

Presi, Custom in Action. Ferdinand Tönnies’ Ontology of the Normative

pdf 265.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2414 P&M24_14_Presi 0,00

Richard, Norms as “Intentional Systems”

pdf 226.9 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2415 P&M24_15_Richard 0,00

Lojo, The Semantic Conception of Efficacy and Constitutive Rules: Mapping a Tough Relationship

pdf 244.1 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2416 P&M24_16_Lojo 0,00

Bombelli, Normativity, Truth, Validity and Effectiveness. Remarks Starting from the Horizon of the “Common Sense”

pdf 217.9 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2417 P&M24_17_Bombelli 0,00

Del Sordo - Lanfredini, Matter at a Crossroads: Givenness vs Forceful Quality

pdf 200 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2418 P&M24_18_DelSordo-Lanfredini 0,00

Colloca, On the Deontic Validity of the General Exclusive Norm

pdf 205.8 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2419 P&M24_19_Colloca 0,00

Volpe, Doing Justice to Solidarity: On the Moral Role of Mutual Support

pdf 225.9 KB

DOI 10.17454/pam-2420 P&M24_20_Volpe 0,00