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PDF 343.9 KB, ISBN 9791259933010
Ardeth #12 KEY WORDS. Beautiful, Sustainable, Together
I - Spring 2023
a cura di Simona Chiodo

anno di pubblicazione 2023
pp. 188
ISBN cartaceo 9791259933003
ISBN pdf 9791259933010

In the backdrop of the New European Bauhaus, our time presents the European designer with three pivotal keywords: beautiful, sustainable, and together. The central question that this issue of “Ardeth” seeks to address is how to employ these three keywords in the best possible way. In essence, it grapples with the question of how to use but not abuse the checkpoints they provide us with to truly grasp the intricacies of their intended applications. The aim is to prevent hastening the transition from words to designs and, ultimately, from designs to the artefacts that make up the space of our day-to-day human existence.

Note from the Director
Ilaria Valente

The Order of Keys
The Editorial Board of “Ardeth”

The Use and Abuse of Keywords
Simona Chiodo

In Other Words. Observations on the Prescriptive Role of Sustainable Development Buzzwords in Architectural Discourse and Practice
Enrico Chinellato, Niccolò Di Virgilio

Purché ci sia. Riflessioni su bellezza e architettura nel terzo millennio
Maria Clara Ghia

The Beauty, Inside. On Architecture, the Body, and Stability 
Federico De Matteis

The Aesthetic Dimensions of Sustainability in Design Culture. Insights from Four Case Studies
Gerardo Semprebon

On Greenhouses and the Making of Atmospheres
Stamatina Kousidi

A chi spetta un buon abitare?
Giuseppina Scavuzzo

Cosa significa insieme? Incontri tra STS e architettura
Micol Rispoli

The Emperor Has No Clothes. Ovvero, come il NEB, cercando di superarla, riveli la difficile relazione tra sostenibilità e bellezza
Marco Bovati

In No Time. Temporal Foundations of the Concept of Competency
Snežana Vesnić, Marko Ristić, Petar Bojanić

Valente, Note from the Director

pdf 70.1 KB

ardeth#12_00 0,00

Editorial Board of “Ardeth”, The Order of Keys

pdf 193 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.01 ardeth#12_01 0,00

Chiodo, The Use and Abuse of Keywords

pdf 102 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.02 ardeth#12_02 0,00

Chinellato - Di Virgilio, In Other Words. Observations on the Prescriptive Role of Sustainable Development Buzzwords in Architectural Discourse and Practice

pdf 149.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.03 ardeth#12_03 0,00

Ghia, Purché ci sia. Riflessioni su bellezza e architettura nel terzo millennio

pdf 189.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.04 ardeth#12_04 0,00

De Matteis, The Beauty, Inside. On Architecture, the Body, and Stability

pdf 221.1 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.05 ardeth#12_05 0,00

Semprebon, The Aesthetic Dimensions of Sustainability in Design Culture. Insights from Four Case Studies

pdf 358.9 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.06 ardeth#12_06 0,00

Kousidi, On Greenhouses and the Making of Atmospheres

pdf 506.1 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.07 ardeth#12_07 0,00

Scavuzzo, A chi spetta un buon abitare?

pdf 176.6 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.08 ardeth#12_08 0,00

Rispoli, Cosa significa insieme? Incontri tra STS e architettura

pdf 293.7 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.09 ardeth#12_09 0,00

Bovati, The Emperor Has No Clothes. Ovvero, come il NEB, cercando di superarla, riveli la difficile relazione tra sostenibilità e bellezza

pdf 122.2 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.10 ardeth#12_10 0,00

Vesnić - Ristić - Bojanić, In No Time. Temporal Foundations of the Concept of Competency

pdf 146.5 KB

DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.11 ardeth#12_11 0,00


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DOI 10.17454/ARDETH12.12 ardeth#12_12 0,00