Anno LXIV, n. 86/2024
pp. 222
ISBN cartaceo 9791259933027
ISBN pdf 9791259933034
The concept of speculative thinking is in many ways ambiguous. First, the concept of ‘speculation’ refers, on the one hand, to philosophical research, i.e., to the need for philosophy to remain committed to ‘pure’ thought and not to bend to instances allogenous to conceptual ones, while, on the other hand, it refers to financial transactions, aimed at profiting from fluctuations in market prices.
Second, even within philosophical discourse, the term remains equivocal. At times, ‘speculation’ refers to an inquiry that - precisely by being merely speculative - seems detached from the practical concerns of the world, thereby indicating the essential theoretical element of philosophical inquiry; at others, the term marks the extreme experience of thinking in which ordinary discursiveness touches its limits. After a period of relative oblivion, the notion of the ‘speculative’ has returned today within contemporary philosophical debate.
This special issue focuses on the notion of ‘speculative thinking’, both in its Hegelian and neo-Hegelian interpretations and in contexts that partially diverge from that tradition, aiming to philosophically explore the term’s rich and varied meanings.
Giulia Bernard, Luca Illetterati, Zdravko Kobe, Speculative thinking: An introduction
I. Speculative, speculative thinking, and dialectics
Gunnar Hindrichs, Il programma speculativo
Angelica Nuzzo, Speculative rationality and its dialectic: Thinking (in) the contemporary world
Quentin Meillassoux, Dialectique spéculative et spéculation non-dialectique. De l’usage d’une négation ésotérique dans l’oeuvre de Hegel
II. Speculative and language
Goran Vranešević, Speculative conception of thought: Hegel on language
Silvia Pieroni, La forma della proposizione speculativa tra scrittura filosofica e traduzione
III. Speculative, speculative materialism, and psychoanalysis
Giovanni Temporin, Meillassoux attraverso lo specchio. Sulla speculazione del materialismo speculativo
Alenka Zupančič, Lacan as speculative thinker?
Bernard - Illetterati - Kobe, Speculative thinking: An introduction |
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RdE86_00 | 7,00 € |
Hindrichs, Il programma speculativo |
pdf 113.9 KB |
RdE86_01 | 7,00 € |
Nuzzo, Speculative rationality and its dialectic: Thinking (in) the contemporary world |
pdf 103.4 KB |
RdE86_02 | 7,00 € |
Meillassoux, Dialectique spéculative et spéculation non-dialectique. De l’usage d’une négation ésotérique dans l’œuvre de Hegel |
pdf 121.6 KB |
RdE86_03 | 7,00 € |
Vranešević, Speculative conception of thought: Hegel on language |
pdf 145 KB |
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Pieroni, La forma della proposizione speculativa tra scrittura filosofica e traduzione |
pdf 100.1 KB |
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Temporin, Meillassoux attraverso lo specchio. Sulla speculazione del materialismo speculativo |
pdf 105.5 KB |
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Zupančič, Lacan as speculative thinker? |
pdf 111.3 KB |
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Colonnello, L’angelo triste di Wim Wenders. Innocenza, tempo, kairos |
pdf 124.8 KB |
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Ferrando, Dopo la fine dell’arte? |
pdf 93.7 KB |
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Penna, Binding the present and the future: Transgenerational social actions as joint commitments |
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Recensioni |
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