anno LII, n. 51/2012
pp. 232
ISBN cartaceo 9788878851658
ISBN pdf 9788878853294
For a very long time wine has been undoubtedly a constant reference of philosophy, and also of aesthetics. But in the last years the debate about its ontological, metaphysical, epistemological and aesthetic status has been constantly growing: what kind of object is wine and why is philosophy interested in it? Is tasting an aesthetic experience? Is it legitimate to consider wine as a work of art, and if it is what meaning of art is here at play? Is the world of making and producing also involved in the philosophical enquiry about wine? For the first time, an Italian Journal dedicates a special issue to wine, stemming from these and many other questions, with the aim to offer a new contribution to the international debate on this topic.
Nicola Perullo, Wineworld: Tasting, making, drinking, being
Steven Shapin, The tastes of wine: Towards a cultural history
Cain Todd, Expression and objectivity in the case of wine: Defending the aesthetic terroir of tastes and smells
Ole Martin Skilleås, Douglas Burnham, Patterns of attention: “Project” and the phenomenology of aesthetic perception
Kevin Sweeney, Structure in wine
Giampaolo Gravina, A matter of taste. The semi-serious musings of a wine taster on the contentious prospects of professional tasting
Gabriele Tomasi, On wines as works of art
Andrea Borghini, On being the same wine
Felice Cimatti, Quel dolore che non deve sapersi. Il linguaggio e il problema dell’esperienza estetica
Luca Taddio, Analisi della dicotomia apparenza-realtà: realismo entro i sistemi di riferimento
Marcella Tarozzi Goldsmith, Il problema della percezione nella filosofia di Nietzsche di Tiziana Andina
Emanuele Crescimanno, La scrittura delle immagini. Letteratura e cultura visuale di Michele Cometa
Perullo, Wineworld: Tasting, making, drinking, being |
pdf 245.2 KB |
RdE51-01_Perullo | 7,00 € |
Shapin, The tastes of wine: Towards a cultural history |
pdf 242.9 KB |
RdE51-02_Shapin | 7,00 € |
Todd, Expression and objectivity in the case of wine: Defending the aesthetic terroir of tastes and smells |
pdf 136.3 KB |
RdE51-03_Todd | 7,00 € |
Skilleås - Burnham, Patterns of attention: “Project” and the phenomenology of aesthetic perception |
pdf 135.5 KB |
RdE51-04_Skilleas_Burnham | 7,00 € |
Sweeney, Structure in wine |
pdf 103.7 KB |
RdE51-05_Sweeney | 7,00 € |
Gravina, A matter of taste. The semi-serious musings of a wine taster on the contentious prospects of professional tasting |
pdf 81.6 KB |
RdE51-06_Gravina | 7,00 € |
Tomasi, On wines as works of art Andrea Borghini, On being the same wine |
pdf 138.5 KB |
RdE51-07_Tomasi | 7,00 € |
Borghini, On being the same wine |
pdf 128.1 KB |
RdE51-08_Borghini | 7,00 € |
Cimatti, Quel dolore che non deve sapersi. Il linguaggio e il problema dell’esperienza estetica |
pdf 143.8 KB |
RdE51-09_Cimatti | 7,00 € |
Tarozzi Goldsmith, Il problema della percezione nella filosofia di Nietzsche di Tiziana Andina |
pdf 87.4 KB |
RdE51-10_TarozziGoldsmith | 7,00 € |
Crescimanno, La scrittura delle immagini. Letteratura e cultura visuale, di Michele Cometa |
pdf 77 KB |
RdE51-11_Crescimanno | 7,00 € |