anno LVI, n. 57/2014
pp. 256
ISBN cartaceo 9788878853577
ISBN pdf 9788878853584
What keeps society together? A popular answer has been that collective intentionality lies at the bottom of all manifestations of social reality. Several problems and criticisms have arisen against such a view in the very recent literature. An alternative approach replaces the notion of collective intentionality with the notion of “documentality”: the basis of social reality is the inscription of acts. The multifariousness of perspectives and topics addressed in the present volume witnesses the great vitality of the debate. Our guess is that such vitality is destined to increase in parallel to, and partly because of, the progressive complexification of contemporary societies.
social objects. from intentionality to documentality
Elena Casetta, Giuliano Torrengo, Social Objects. An Overview in the Light of Contemporary Social Ontology
Maurizio Ferraris, Giuliano Torrengo, Documentality: A Theory of Social Reality
Markus Gabriel, Dissenso e Oggetto
Andrea Lavazza, Documentality, Emotions, and Motivations. Why We Need a Kind of Internal Memory
Ivan Mladenovic, Collective Intentionality, Rationality, and Institutions
Isabelle Pariente-Butterlin, La création d’un nouvel espace social: Internet et la documentalité / Internet comme documentalité
Enrico Terrone, Che cosa esiste fuori dal testo?
Stephan Zimmermann, Is Society Built on Collective Intentions? A Response to Searle
Critical notes
Jovan Babić, Reciprocal Illumination: Epistemological Necessity or Ontological Destiny? Some Preliminary Remarks
Marius Bartmann, On the Very Idea of Imposition. Some Remarks on Searle’s Social Ontology
Petar Bojanić, Charter and Institution
Elena Casetta, Are Species Social Objects? Some Notes
Ivo Kara-Pešić, Liberi dal presente. Le basi cognitive del mondo sociale
Sanja Milutinović, Documenting Sex and/or Gender. Montrer patte blanche as Ambiguous Expression of Proving One’s Credentials
Sebastian Ostritsch, Hegel and Searle on the Necessity of Social Reality
Francesco F. Calemi, L’argomento dell’uno sui molti. Il dilemma dello struzzo
Iain Hamilton Grant, I tre dogmi del trascendentalismo
José Luis Jerez, Notes on a New Analogical Realism
Casetta - Torrengo, Social Objects. An Overview in the Light of Contemporary Social Ontology |
pdf 50 KB |
RdE57-01_Casetta-Torrengo | 7,00 € |
Ferraris - Torrengo, Documentality: A Theory of Social Reality |
pdf 78.4 KB |
RdE57-02_Ferraris-Torrengo | 7,00 € |
Gabriel, Dissenso e Oggetto |
pdf 97 KB |
RdE57-03_Gabriel | 7,00 € |
Lavazza, Documentality, Emotions, and Motivations. Why We Need a Kind of Internal Memory |
pdf 85.2 KB |
RdE57-04_Lavazza | 7,00 € |
Mladenovic, Collective Intentionality, Rationality, and Institutions |
pdf 85 KB |
RdE57-05_Mladenovic | 7,00 € |
Pariente-Butterlin, La création d’un nouvel espace social: Internet et la documentalité / Internet comme documentalité |
pdf 71.4 KB |
RdE57-06_ParienteButterlin | 0,00 € |
Terrone, Che cosa esiste fuori dal testo? |
pdf 89.5 KB |
RdE57-07_Terrone | 7,00 € |
Zimmermann, Is Society Built on Collective Intentions? A Response to Searle |
pdf 94.3 KB |
RdE57-08_Zimmermann | 7,00 € |
Babić, Reciprocal Illumination: Epistemological Necessity or Ontological Destiny? Some Preliminary Remarks |
pdf 62.6 KB |
RdE57-09_Babic | 7,00 € |
Bartmann, On the Very Idea of Imposition. Some Remarks on Searle’s Social Ontology |
pdf 59.1 KB |
RdE57-10_Bartmann | 7,00 € |
Bojanić, Charter and Institution |
pdf 52 KB |
RdE57-11_Bojanic | 7,00 € |
Casetta, Are Species Social Objects? Some Notes |
pdf 64.1 KB |
RdE57-12_Casetta | 7,00 € |
Kara-Pešić, Liberi dal presente. Le basi cognitive del mondo sociale |
pdf 60.4 KB |
RdE57-13_KaraPesic | 7,00 € |
Milutinović, Documenting Sex and/or Gender. Montrer patte blanche as Ambiguous Expression of Proving One’s Credentials |
pdf 61.7 KB |
RdE57-14_Milutinovic | 7,00 € |
Ostritsch, Hegel and Searle on the Necessity of Social Reality |
pdf 71.1 KB |
RdE57-15_Ostritsch | 7,00 € |
Calemi, L’argomento dell’uno sui molti. Il dilemma dello struzzo |
pdf 112.7 KB |
RdE57-16_Calemi | 7,00 € |
Hamilton Grant, I tre dogmi del trascendentalismo |
pdf 62.1 KB |
RdE57-17_HamiltonGrant | 7,00 € |
Jerez, Notes on a New Analogical Realism |
pdf 46 KB |
RdE57-18_Jerez | 7,00 € |